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Keeping Chicken – Building A Backyard Chicken Coop

Every design in building a backyard chicken coop will involve three issues, how it will affect hygiene, chicken productivity, and cleanliness.

Ample Spaces

In designing a chicken coop the normal method for chicken raisers is to allow 3 to 4 square feet of space per chicken. The correct space will provide the chicken enough room to mill about and to keep them more productive. Chickens are very social animals, they enjoy having other chickens around, but they could also be cranky. When they are at their best behavior, chicken will huddle together, scratch together and stay put if not feeding. When something fancies them though that they regard as little treasures, they could peck at another when an intrusion happens. It may not be much.

It could be a little droplet of water running across a wire, a territory that they are foraging even when there are no signs of potential food morsels, just about anything. The chicken sometimes could be cranky enough and peck at another sometimes to the death. This is sometimes complicated as when other chickens see blood, they could help peck the hapless chicken until most feathers fall or seriously wounded.

Ample space rules that out. When building a backyard chicken coop then it is important to determine first the number of chicken intended for the coop. When that is decided already, raise the planned chicken coop above the ground to keep them healthy and for easier cleaning and maintenance.

Consider Ventilation

Chicken droppings contain ammonia and create dampness inside the coop. Aside from that every animal and bird has their own unique odor that stales the air. The design of the chicken coop must allow proper air ventilation to keep the air inside the coop circulating. Choose the materials in the coop well as it could affect the proper circulation of air inside the coop. Chickens are survivors but they are not exactly hardy. One death, often caused by dampness will affect the other chickens to die also. Aside from ventilation, the chicken coop must be insulated to keep the chickens handle cold climates.

Food and Waste Management

Chicken leave dropping everywhere. When not well managed, the droppings emit gasses that are not good for the health of the chicken but could also bother people. When building a coop, provide perches designed along a feed spot. Chicken are one of those animals that are likely to poop while feeding. The perches and feeders should be designed for easy cleaning. When designing the feeders, raise the elevation as high as the chickens back to prevent the chickens scratching their feed and creating a mess when feeding. This design is also the same for the water pans. Clean water must be available to the chickens every day.

These are the basic elements when building a backyard chicken coop. However, light sources are also important consideration as well as the appearance of the chicken house. These however depend largely on material choices and aesthetics. For chickens, so long as they have a clean and steady feed, ample space, dry and with good ventilation, they are content.

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