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Basic Commands For Dog Obedience

Are you bored with your dog who knows only three commands? Don't fret, my friend! You could probably use a little jazz. Specific command words are not that difficult and important. The thing here should be the consistency of its usage. My friend, Wiki, here can give you a bit of a blast. Some of these certain commands are accepted as standard, while others are commonly used.

Here is a list you might find quite interesting:

Let us start off with the basic commands

1.) Sit – it is a mono-syllabic word that requires a bit of an authentic tone that would require for your dog to be in a sitting position.

2.) Down – just like #1, this also requires an abrupt tone for the dog to be typically down when its elbows (front feet) and hocks (rear legs) are touching the ground or floor.

3.) Heel – The dog's head or shoulder is parallel to the handler's leg on the left side of the handler.

4.) Come or Here – (referred to as the recall) you just really got to call your dog which equates the whole command.

5.) Stay – another command that requires another snap for the dog to remain in the sitting position (sit, down, stand), and location under which the command was given until it is released by the handler

Those were just some of the basic ones, but wait! Here is something for those who are too hungry to actually stop. The advanced commands are the following (which may need more patience and dedication):

1.) Stop – Wiki says that the dog commanded will simply stop whatever it is doing, and lie down on command no matter how far it is from its keeper is a dog that can be taken anywhere. Some handlers use the German word PLATZ (related to place, i.e. stay in position) for this action. A little bit demanding, but who knows when your dogs needs it.

2.) Back up – keepers of large dogs or dogs with reputation (a must quote!) for aggressiveness can make strangers more comfortable by teaching the dog to back up on command. This command might probably be very useful for police dogs.

3.) Growl – now this is what you guys should be talking about. In case you are bullied, this is the inverse of backing up. Some owners teach non-aggressive dogs to growl on a subtle command –not the word "growl", just usually a small hand gesture –as a way of letting strangers know that you and your dog value being left alone.

4.) Steady – to keep near by. The dog can walk free, but not dash off. This can be very valuable to sport dogs, and/or during competitions.

5.) Stand – on this command, the dog stands still. Funny how this is seems so advanced; it is very valuable for "grooming". Many dogs are groomed frequently, that they need to stand quietly during the process. You can also use this when you want your dog to wait for you at the park, while lining up for an espresso at Starbucks seven in the morning.

6.) Go to bed, kennel, or get in – this command directs the dog to go to its bed, and remain there unreleased. This is somehow useful to keep a dog out from underfoot, and safe in a busy or complicated situation.

7.) Drop or Drop it – to release something they just picked up; very useful when they're about to chew your sandals off.

8.) Leave it – an adjunction to Drop, directing the dog NOT to touch an item.

9.) Take it – the dog leaves a desired object untouched until given this command.

10.) Give – a command teaching the dog to be generous, and/or releasing something your pet has placed in his mouth on your hand.

11.) Speak – another way of saying "to bark ONLY when I say so".

12.) Roll over – can be one of the basic commands; this is when the dog lies down, roll over, and stand back up. Quite a bit of an exercise.

13.) Attack – if partnered with the command "Growl", you (the owner) will be the king of your neighborhood, though mostly used only on Police Dogs. Common commands are either "Attack" or "Sick'em".

14.) Fetch – can also be one of the basic commands where the dog retrieves a thrown object, bringing it back to the one who threw it, a nice strategy for luring guard dogs (especially when they're obsessed with balls).

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