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   Using An Electronic Dog Collar For Training Your Dog

A dog is a man’s best friend; dogs protect him and his home. A dog owner has responsibilities as well, like food, shelter, training, and even making sure to provide a dog with the proper collar. Electronic dog collars are one of the most commonly used tools for training.

Electronic dog collars help to correct a dog’s misbehavior, train it to obey a certain way (even when off of a leash), and warn it of danger by sending signals, electronic shocks essentially, from the transmitter to the receiver. The degree of shock can be set for various sizes of dogs and there are collars of many different shapes and sizes. Eventually, a dog will learn to avoid misbehavior and an electronic collar will no longer be necessary. For those who don’t like the idea of electronically shocking their dog however, there are collars that have send mere warning tones.

Studies show that misbehaviors in dogs are pretty normal – barking at the mailman, jumping on a visitor, digging a hole in the backyard and even running after a jogger. But these behaviors can be excessive and troublesome, causing accidental energies, property damage, and harm to other people and even the dog itself.

Electronic dog collars were developed to help dog owners prevent these problems and they are especially effective in young dogs. Even though electric impulses may seem painful, they allow a dog owner to educate the animal without yelling or spanking it.

To use an electronic collar effectively, first let the dog adjust to the feel of it around its neck and then make sure to keep the transmitte-

r with you at all times, as it is a powerful device.

Use the lowest possible stimulation level – only if your dog does not respond to shock level one should you increase the degree. If a dog panics or starts vocalizing, decrease the stimulation.

When a dog exhibits aggressive behavior, like biting, do not use the electronic collar. This kind of behavior is better suited for a professional trainer. And don’t use the collar arbitrarily – only when you want to deliver a command you plan on teaching the dog, should you use it. Furthermore, training sessions should be located in places your dog is familiar with and should be short, lasting 10 to 15 minutes long, and positive. A dog’s focus should be on the trainer and any good behavior should be rewarded through play or treats.

Don’t abuse or overuse the electronic collar, as that is animal abuse, a crime that can land you in prison. Remember, a dog is a man’s best friend.


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